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Dementia charity releases impact report as animated video

30 nov., 2018

The report showed that the end of March, Dementia UK’s Admiral network of dementia specialist nurses totalled 224 and the charity’s Admiral Nurse dementia helpline supported 14,155 families over the last year, which is 26% more than in 2016/17.

Other details released in the video include 100% of carers finding its helpline useful in terms of sharing information and explaining the impact of dementia.

“We recognise that our supporters do not necessarily have the time to read our full report but still want to know the impact their support has helped to make,” said Natalie Tomlinson, Dementia UK Communications Manager.

“By creating a short animation, viewers are able to see the achievements of the charity in a few minutes. The information is easy to digest as it is visually appealing and has had great feedback from all age groups.

“We hope by offering our report in different formats, more people will be able to see the difference we are making and hopefully feel inspired to continue to support us in the future.”

Dr Hilda Hayo, Chief Admiral Nurse and Chief Executive of Dementia UK, added: “Dementia is one of the biggest health issues of our time and no one should have to face it alone. This is why our Admiral Nurses are so important in giving families a voice and a listening ear when they are facing the most challenging times.

“Our impact report animation shows how far we have come in raising awareness of Admiral Nurses as well as the need for them.

“We couldn’t have done this without the expertise and compassion of our Admiral Nurses, dedicated support staff (80% of whom have an experience of dementia) as well as passionate fundraisers.”

Admiral Nurses work in the community, care homes, hospitals and hospices and the Admiral Nurse dementia helpline is the only specialist nurse-led dementia helpline in the country.