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Sea turtles on the road to full recovery thanks to Endangered Species Act

Sea turtles, whales, sea otters and manatees recovering from extinction on the road to full recovery thanks to Endangered Species Act

Back in 1973, out of concern and fear that many of Americas native plants and animals were in danger of extinction, Congress passed the Endangered Species Act that in the meantime not only saved whales, sea turtles, sea otters and manatees from extinction, it dramatically increased their population numbers, putting them solidly on the road to full recovery. We should celebrate the Endangered Species Act track record of reducing harms from water pollution, overfishing, beach habitat destruction and killing.

Humans often destroy marine ecosystems, but it seems hat with strong laws and careful stewardship, we can also restore them, causing wildlife numbers to go way up.

If you want to read more about this amazing comeback, visit Center for Biological Diversity and their official release on the topic as well as How Stuff Works and their article on the topic.